"Life isn't like a book. Life isn't logical or sensible or orderly. Life is a mess most of the time. And theology must be lived in the midst of that mess."
-Charles Caleb Colton
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7 months ago
I like this quote as it speaks to where I'm at lately.
Life is messy, relationships are really messy and it is no wonder a systematic, tightly-packaged theology appears fake to the on-lookers of the Christian faith.
In just the past few weeks I've had the messy reality of a friendship hit hard - misunderstandings and hurt feelings abounded and the cold shoulder has followed. It makes me both frustrated by how frail we all are and exhorts me to be a better friend, there in the thick and the thin.
I've also had the broken family I grew up in fall a part all over again. My father is in a hospital going through detox as I write this - all kinds of crazy has transpired. I feel lost as a son. What is my role? How should my faith look in this situation? It isn't easy - but that is the struggle that is life. And it really is a beautiful thing.
In just the past few weeks I've been reminded that everyone is a human (seems weird we forget that) and therefore not perfect. I've been recognizing my own facades and attempts to ‘seem like I have it all together’ - who am I kidding? Definitely not God and not even myself. Life is a beautiful mess, of which God is the perfect focus of my attention and the author of my life - who can re-write the mess to make sense and to have a greater purpose.
Tomorrow's Church has to come to grips with the reality of humanity and just be real about it - intentionally real, no more superstar pastors, idolized worship leaders. We are all people - broken - frail - needy.
This quote also brings to thought the need for the Modern church and all its neatly-organized, logical theology and doctrines to find its place in the relative, pluralistic culture of the Postmodern era. How do the absolutes I have become convinced of, play in a world that shrug’s absolutes and loves the grey areas. How does my belief that Jesus is the only way to God play in my relationships with others who shut you down at first glance of religiosity?
Tomorrow Church has to stop pretending it has it all figured out – life is messy, theology is messy and any pretense that says otherwise intellectually pushes the spiritually seekers away.
Kevin, sounds like a tough, but great place to show Christ's same forgiveness that he has given to us.
Personally, I try to be conservative in my own practice and personal conviction, but liberal in hearing about others. In other words, don't look down on others for apparent faults because we all know our own rotten heathen sinfulness. We do need leaders who will relate to their congregations and share in the struggle of life.
Kevin, really sorry to hear about the tough time you have been going through. I hope it helps when I say that I have learned so much from you during the last month or so but especially from today`s post.
It is a constant struggle for me to be the perfect Christian. Whenever doubts hit, I feel like I am failing because as a Christian you must always trust God. Like I say, it is a constant battle.
But, seeing somebody who I look up to as a Christian struggle with the same feelings as I do, has really put things into perspective.
Thanks for this post, it has come at a very good time for me as I`m sure it has for you.
Your friend
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