LeaderMan: Wants a platform on which to say something
Servant Leader: Has something to say
LeaderMan: You almost feel you know his family, because he’s your Leader
Servant Leader: You allow him to influence you, because you know his family
LeaderMan: Wants you to know he’s a Leader
Servant Leader: You’re not sure he knows he’s a leader
LeaderMan: Loves the idea of the Gospel, and the idea of The Church
Servant Leader: Loves God and the actual individual people God brings across his path
LeaderMan: A great speaker, but self-described as, “Not really a people person.”
Servant Leader: Makes himself a people person
LeaderMan: Helps you find where God is leading you in his organization
Servant Leader: Helps you find where God is leading you
LeaderMan: Gets together with you to talk about his vision
Servant Leader: Just gets together with you
LeaderMan: Resents “sheep stealing”
Servant Leader: Doesn’t get the “stealing” part, since he doesn’t own anyone to begin with
LeaderMan: Wants the right people on the bus
Servant Leader: Wants to find the right bus for you, and sit next to you on it
LeaderMan: Shows you a flow chart
Servant Leader: Shows you his whole heart
LeaderMan: A visionary who knows what the future looks like
Servant Leader: Knows what your kitchen looks like
LeaderMan: If it’s worth doing, it worth doing with excellence
Servant Leader: Not exactly sure how to even calculate “worth doing”
LeaderMan: Talks about confronting one another in love
Servant Leader: Actually confronts you in love
LeaderMan: Impressed by success and successful people
Servant Leader: Impressed by faithfulness
LeaderMan: Invests time in you, if you are “key people”
Servant Leader: Wastes time with you
LeaderMan: Reveals sins of his past
Servant Leader: Reveals sins of his present
LeaderMan: Gives you things to do
Servant Leader: Gives you freedom
LeaderMan: Leads because of official position
Servant Leader: Leads in spite of position
LeaderMan: Deep down, threatened by other Leaders
Servant Leader: Has nothing to lose
There are some great examples in this illustration of what a leader should be, but I don't know about if I am not reading it right, but I do not completely agree with leaderman being posed as negative (did I perceive that correctly?). I have been reading a lot of Maxwell books lately, which does not give me any expertise on leadership, but I think it has given me some. I firmly believe in servant leadership and have tried to exercise it in my limited leadership experience, but I also think that you need some of the other qualities. As far as leadership goes, it is good to have vision and if you are a busy person, it is good to be wise with your time and who you invest it in.
A servant leader is who you want to follow, but there should be some leaderman in him if you want to go anywhere with your organization. Does that makes sense? Someone can shoot me down on my thoughts if they want to. haha
Just found your blog and really love this. Since you stole it, you bet your gonna see it over on my blog too pretty darn soon my frined. Good posting! I am just really geting interested in the whole Church Movement thing, you know, like the stuff you blog about. Very profound and true.
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