So I read an article called 'R.I.P. Emergent Church' (here), and it made me realize something; I think we get so caught up in the who's doing what and how, that we lose our Way.
This article is saying that the Emergent Church movement is dead, at the least the term is dead. Why? Because the term 'emergent' has become so convoluted and means too many different things to the individuals that claim it. It's kinda like saying 'I'm a Christian' - which means exactly nothing. The statement 'I'm a Christian' does not necessitate the Romans definition (10.9-10), nor does it mean you are pursuing the Way, the Kingdom of God, the God-design path for you life, etc, etc, etc. But it is no surprise that the emergent movement is dieing and it won't be when 'whatever comes next' dies too.
So, this relates with an earlier post (actually a re-post of some Mark Batterson thoughts) about how leaders often aren't true to themselves and how important that is for the missionally minded leaders. We mix up the Way of Jesus with the way that is working for this church or that leader.
But it brings me to a humble realization - the changes I want for Tomorrow's Church are at best for me and my generation. Realistically, probably more for a small demograph of my generation. My dreams are based on areas of the Church that have been found wanting in my life and the friendships that have pointed those areas out. But those dreams will drive me to answers that are not universal for all people and all churches - but for me and a community that agrees.
So I must continue to wrestle with Karli's challenge (earlier post) and not come up with another title for a movement, or another denomination or start going to a another church or plant another new chruch - maybe I just need to be the change and follow the Way.
I don't have universal answers, strategies or leadership - which is exactly why I follow the Way, the One. And that is why I'll never author a book on the 'Ways of Kevin', because at best, my life will be a poor representation of the One Way. So the best thing I can do as a leader is follow the One Way with all of my heart, mind and soul. And secondly, in pursuit of showing the Way to my neighbor, I can not afford to get caught up in the titles and terms - just the pursuit of the Way lived out!
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8 months ago
I love how you pointed out that we often fight or argue for what's been lacking in our own personal experience. We cannot allow ourselves to fall into the trap of responding, we must rise up and lead.
Leading is hard, responding is easy.
thanks for the great reminder!
That is a great way of saying what I'm feeling.
Leading is hard, responding is easy.
Maybe people don't want to be lead.
I agree with you 'culture vulture'...but leading is not always what people assume it is. There are many ways to lead. We can lead quietly or loudly. We lead by the way we live. Since we are part of the Body, we bring a different gift to the table. When we use the gifts given to us, we are being leaders. Responding to the Lord's call is an act of leadership.
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